Shafie nafi beri Zahida ‘wang begitu banyak’ (RUJUK)

Daily Chilli melaporkan Shafie Apdal dan Zahida Rafik telah berkahwin namun begitu berita tersebut telah dipadam oleh pihak Daily Chilli. HarakahDaily Versi English sempat mendapatkan berita tersebut. Baca di bawah.“Bagaimana anda boleh katakan beliau dibayar RM1.5 juta apabila dia sebenarnya isteri keduanya [sic],” tulis Daily Chilly melalui maklumat orang dalam seperti dipetik HarakahDaily.
Mungkin berita tersebut belum pasti, oleh sebab itu berita tersebut terpaksa dipadam. Gambar di bawah adalah tajuk ‘feed’ untuk akhbar Daily Chilly yang menunjukkan berita tersebut telah tersiar pada hari ini, 1 Mei 2011.

Pssst: Rupa-rupa gossip Safie-Zahida belum berakhir. Penafian yang dibuat mereka sebelum ini masih tidak dipercayai sepenuhnya. Umumkanlah…. kalau betul!!
Report: 'Shafie and Zahida are married, so no RM1.5m exchanged'
May 1: Quoting a 'top Sabah Barisan Nasional official', a report in MCA-owned The Star's entertainment section said Rural and Regional Development minister Shafie Apdal is secretly married to actress Zahida Rafik.
"How can you say he's paid her RM1.5 million when she's actually his second wife [sic]," the Daily Chilli section of the paper's online edition, dedicated to news bordering on gossip, quotes an "insider" as saying, appearing to suggest that Shafie did not pay RM1.5 million to her because she was his wife.
"His ex-driver doubled as a middle man to cover their tracks," it added.
The report also quoted another Malaysian actress as confirming the couple's "hush-hush relationship", and even accused Zahida of being the 'high-maintenance' type.
"He dotes on her," claimed the unnamed actress. "She is high maintenance. She only goes for designer brands like Gucci, Prada, Hermes and Louis Vuitton," she went on.
The UMNO vice president's alleged 'extramarital' relationship earlier created a buzz by a claim made by Zahida's ex-driver in a police report, saying he had been tasked with depositing cash totalling RM1.5 million given by the minister to Zahida.
Noor Azman Azemi, 38, scoffing at allegation by Zahida that he absconded her cash money worth RM200,000, also said that Shafie told him to keep a close watch on Zahida and accompany her to the bank after each time they met at any hotel in the capital. He said after each meeting, he would be given cash worth between RM100,000 and RM200,000, to be deposited into Zahida's bank account.
While the alleged affair caught public attention, PKR's Wanita head Zuraida Kamaruddin who urged Shafie to come clean over the report, however said she was more concerned with the minister's unusual wealth.
Shafie, who is married with six children, has denied that he had given to Zahida "such big amount of cash". Zahida meanwhile, replying to a flurry of comments on her Twitter, had among others said she was not someone's mistress and earned income from her own 'business'.
Zahida Rafik, M'sian minister are married
By Noorsila Abd Majid
Even though controversial Malaysian actress Zahida Rafik and cabinet minister Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal have denied their romantic liason, multiple sources close to both parties have confirmed their secret union.
"He's married her on the quiet," a top Sabah Barisan Nasional official spoke to The Daily Chilli on condition of anonymity.
Shafie, who is the rural and regional development minister, is also the MP for Semporna, Sabah.
It is believed that he and Zahida got hitched overseas before allegations that he's paid her RM1.5 million surfaced on April 19.
"How can you say he's paid her RM1.5 million when she's actually his second wife," added the insider. "His ex-driver (Noor Azman Azemi) doubled as a middle man to cover their tracks."
Their hush-hush relationship is further confirmed by a popular Malaysian singer/actress who's worked with the Anak Mami The Movie star.
"He dotes on her," claimed the popular star. "She is high maintenance. She only goes for designer brands like Gucci, Prada, Hermes and Louis Vuitton."
The sexy Zahida cannot be reached for comments.
daily Chilli Published May 1 2012
Ulasan GB
Heran juga ya, Zahida menafikan sudah berkahwin, mengaku masih solo. Tetapi Shafie Apdal masih berdiam diri. Hanya menafikan beri wang RM1.5 juta kepada Zahida (walaupun tidak menafikan ada memberikan wang, cuma tak mengaku jumlahnya).
Yang jelas, tidak disebut apa-apa mengenai hubungan mereka berdua. Sudah kahwinkah belum...
GB pernah ulas sebelum ini. Petikan:
Rakyat nak jugak tahu "hubungan sebenar" Shafie Apdal dengan Zahida Rafik nih. Dah kahwin ke belum? Ada kata dah kahwin, tapi Zahida tak mengaku, mungkin khuatir dan takut kena belangkong dengan isteri pertama Shafie.
Kalau belum kahwin, apakah menteri memang seorang sang bedal?
Heran kerana benda kalau betul, halal dan baik kenapa disembunyikan?
Kebenaran tetap terdedah jua satu masa nanti.
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