Pekerja Kilang Didenda RM1,500.00 Kerana Tunjuk Kemaluannya Kepada Guru Wanita

A factory worker in Johor Baru who claimed that he scratched his “itchy” private part in front of a neighbour by accident paid the price for his act.

Ahmad Hairul Nizam Hussin, 23, was fined RM1,500 in default three months’ jail by magistrate Mazana Sinin after he pleaded guilty to outraging the modesty of the 41-year-old school teacher.

He paid the fine.

The accused was charged with exposing his private part to the victim who lived in an opposite flat unit at Taman Pelangi Indah. He did this at around 6am on Oct 8, 2009.

According to court documents, Ahmad Hairul, who was in his room, had exposed his genitals to the woman who was hanging clothes along the corridor of her home.

In mitigation, the accused said he always kept his room window open.

“I had just taken a shower and went into my room to change my clothes,” he told the court.

“I suddenly felt itchy and scratched my private part, but I didn’t know she was watching me,” he said.

DPP Chua Shyue Chien prosecuted while the accused was not represented.


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